Tag: family

  • Wubbuda


    The sound you make when you hit the wall.  I’m trying not to wear myself out. Trying really hard. It’s just there are a lot of moving parts and I seem to be getting less sleep even though I’m lying down obediently at bedtime and getting up… ok, last couple of mornings I was already…

  • Family Weekend

    Family Weekend

    Here in a few minutes I’ll be headed out to take my daughters to the train station. They came up on Friday, and we’ve had a great weekend together. As space and time between us widens, I miss them, but I’m also deeply happy they are finding their own way in the world. It was…

  • Show me you care

    Show me you care

    It’s been a long couple of weeks. Today is the first day off in twelve days straight. So of course I’m cleaning. I mean, I probably would have spent most of my day curled up and drawing, or writing, but my son dragged me gently but inexorably out into the living area and said ‘clean!’…

  • A Quiet Anniversary

    A Quiet Anniversary

      Fifteen years and a few days ago, I published my first blog post. It was unashamedly a Mommy blog, because it was before any social media I knew of (I’m sure Myspace was a thing, I had no idea of it) and I wanted to share the quiet joys of my small family with…

  • Stayin’ Alive

    Stayin’ Alive

      Just a quick post to say hey, I’m still here. It’s been a week. Nobody’s sick or anything, just I’ve been extra busy so I could help surprise the Junior Mad Scientist. She is celebrating her 18th birthday tomorrow, but Friday the whole family conspired to have the house decorated, her favorite meal, presents……

  • Rambles in a Messy House

    Rambles in a Messy House

      I’m completely out of the habit of blogging. It doesn’t help that I am busy, busier than I anticipated being at this season of life. I’ve also started to feel like I have nothing meaningful to say. I’m not attracted to commentary about social whatzits and whoosits very often, and tend to steer clear…

  • Bloggiversary


      Fourteen years, more than 2200 posts, and umpteen-thousand words ago, this blog started off as something quite different from the form it takes today. When it all began, I was a stay-at-home mom running a business from home, helping manage a small farm, and the blog was how I shared my family news and…

  • Die Hard Christmas

    Die Hard Christmas

      The Little Man was looking over my shoulder at my farcebook feed, and commented it’s too memey on FB these days. Well, I don’t know where the cool kidz hang out, but between MeWe and the annoying but ubiquitous FB, my friends are all there where the memes are. He followed up his commentary…

  • Single-handed


      It isn’t until you aren’t fully capable of using one hand that you realize how much of your life depends on having two available. This isn’t the first time I’ve dealt with this particular quirk in life – the first big hurdle of having a baby was learning to do everything while I held…

  • Travels and Returns

    Travels and Returns

    First off: the Dayton area was hit with at least two tornadoes last night. We slept through it, and have power today. But a lot of people are dealing with chaos this morning. The tornadoes touched down in, and swept across, a very populated area. I don’t know much about it just yet, other than…

  • The Privilege of Motherhood

    The Privilege of Motherhood

    The Little Man rolled out of bed and hit the ground talking this morning. “Would you buy me cookie dough mix?”  “Why?”  “So I can make cookies.”  “Why not from scratch?” “I don’t think you want me making cookies from scratch.”  “Yes, I do. Why do you need cookies? Did you commit to making cookies…

  • Categorically Weird

    Categorically Weird

    Look, I’m quite aware that what I find fascinating might very well make someone else’s eyes cross with confusion and boredom. Or I might get lucky and find someone to babble at who shares my passions. My husband and I mesh fairly well in that regard – this morning’s porch conversation ranged from my efforts…