Tag: fantasy
Odd Prompts: Have a Beer
I don’t know that I’ll revisit this, but it was fun to write. **** Micah heard the front door, but didn’t look up from his task. It would be one of his housemates, more than likely. He didn’t look up until the footsteps came closer, then stopped as there was a tapping at the open…
Odd Prompt: Honeymooners
I don’t know where this prompt is going, other than a very odd romance. *** Something borrowed, something blue, Something old, something new…. The something old hanging from the waist of her wedding gown had been her granny’s sewing scissors, the little silver ones shaped like a stork. Now, the long beak-blades bloody, it…
Odd Prompts: Come Home for Dinner
This is a flash piece, just something playing around the concept the prompt gave me. Come Home for Dinner “I’m telling you, an elf was stalking me!” I looked down at my brother. He was lying at my feet, having covered himself in a heap of dead, dried up old brown leaves. I had…
For Your Reading Pleasure
And to be a little different this week, listening, too! These are some books I have enjoyed, or that people I really like wrote, or just because I thought my readers would enjoy. It’s the day after Christmas, it’s a weekend, what better to do than put your feet up, sip cocoa, and read…
A Rob Howell Book!
Rob writes excellent stuff. And this is the final book in a trilogy, so if you like to read completeness, as I know many of you do, it’s perfect! And just in time for a long holiday weekend. With no further ado: None Call Me Mother
I was stuck on the primary writing, but still needed to do my daily wordcount. So here it is, all 705 words of flash fiction that I sat down and pulled out of my head. Rusalka He dipped his hand into the water, and lifted it slowly back out, letting the droplets fall straight…
Too Familiar: Odd Prompted
Kitten pulled the scarf tighter around her head and ducked out of the door, pulling it tightly shut behind her. The scarf wasn’t just to keep the biting cold wind out. The door nearly-slammed wasn’t just to keep that wind from snatching it open and banging. Although that would make her master yell louder,…
Weird and Wonderful
So my friend John Bouler is to blame for this bit of flash fiction. He commented about a vet who specialized in large animals, and cryptids. This thing sprang into my head and demanded to be written. Since I am supposed to be cooking up a storm for Thanksgiving, I am leaving this here…