Tag: fatigue

  • No Flowers

    No Flowers

    I had intended to do a post on the wildflowers I photographed this weekend, and how much fun I had over the course of Saturday and Sunday, taking part in the Nature Challenge. And then I had to clean the house, edit and submit a story due by tonight, start on a big project that…

  • Argle Bargle

    Argle Bargle

      I’ll be the first to admit I try not to blog unless I can be cheerful. Or at least instructive. I’ve had some epic rants in the past. Today, though.  I’m too tired to be ranty. This past week has been Sisyphean, and I’m not actually talking about the plague. Although that has certainly…

  • Fatigue and the Ability to Cognate

    Fatigue and the Ability to Cognate

    Really, that ought to be fatigue and it’s connection to cognition. Cognate also means connect, or to relate, and well, I’m tired. I can’t connect my words to their proper definitions at the moment. Tiredness also strips you of your ability to connect or relate to others, so I’m leaving the title to stand. It’s…

  • Mental Fatigue

    Mental Fatigue

    I’m back to this again: I only have so much energy. There’s a possibility I could garner a bit more energy, but before I can get there, I have to work through having less energy, because frankly I think I’m carrying more weight than is optimal for my body and I need to shed some…

  • Too Tired to Care

    Too Tired to Care

    I wrote the other day about toxic levels of fatigue, and I’m following up with that. Bear with me, this is related – I’ve started blogging in the early mornings. I sit down at my computer with a cup of coffee, twenty or thirty minutes, and I write. The house is fairly quiet, so I…

  • Toxic Tired

    Toxic Tired

    I’ve been whining a little on social media recently about being tired, and I really shouldn’t. I was musing on this at work the other day, while my hands were busy but my mind wasn’t. I am tired, yes, but it’s a good tired. It’s the tired of being physically tested after several years of…

  • Assailed with Doubts

    I’m tired, and I know it. Which is good, because otherwise I might start listening to the internal voices that nibble away at my confidence and make me start to wonder what I’m doing, and why. But this feeling, of fatigue and uncertainty, is an old familiar one. I’m not exhausted, just tired. Exhaustion is…

  • A Brain for Art and Science

    I think some of you know that I’m taking an intensive Chemistry class this summer, to finish up General Chem and prepare to take Organic Chemistry this fall. It’s nothing super complicated, the last chapter was boiling point elevation, freezing point depression, vapor pressure… this chapter we will finish tomorrow and then an exam for…

  • Exhaustion


    I’m worn thin. There are so many things I should be doing right now, and I managed one chore this morning, but can’t seem to muster the enthusiasm for another just yet. I keep telling myself I shouldn’t stress, I need to stop dwelling on things I cannot change, but it’s not helping. I’m trying…