Tag: fractal art
Daily Art: Vessels and Veins
I’m not going to post the daily art here. I do that over at Instagram. You can follow along there most days. But today’s art is ill-suited to that venue… it’s also ill-suited to this, so if you click on the image you’ll go to a high-res version for all the tricky details. Best…
Happy Accidents
I had a Bob Ross moment this week. I’d taken a photo with the new camera lens… Let me back up a bit and put this in perspective. The lens I use with my DSLR the most is my 18-55mm which allows me to get wide-angle but also close-up shots. It’s the workhorse of…
Wood of Aloes
Some days, I have no words. The mind is… it’s not empty. It’s too full. The words tangle up on themselves and won’t flow.
Falling to Fairyland
What do fairies do with all the children they steal? Ethereal bubbles enchant, but a dark portal awaits…
Visual Story Prompts
I occasionally post an image of my artwork on facebook, and people surprise me with the ideas they pull out of the art. So this is a place where you could come, look, and possibly find the spark of a tale. All of these pieces were created using Mandelbulb 3D version 1.8, with…
Math is Art
I’ve always found something strangely fascinating about those blackboards or whiteboards with huge incomprehensible equations scrawled across them… But I have to face that although I passed calculus, it was by the skin of my teeth. I can catch glimpses of the beautiful, elegant thing that math is, like looking through curtains out into a…