Tag: fractal art

  • Daily Art: Vessels and Veins

    Daily Art: Vessels and Veins

      I’m not going to post the daily art here. I do that over at Instagram. You can follow along there most days. But today’s art is ill-suited to that venue… it’s also ill-suited to this, so if you click on the image you’ll go to a high-res version for all the tricky details. Best…

  • Radio Silence

    Radio Silence

      Is anybody out there?  Can anybody hear?  We keep calling and calling…   

  • Happy Accidents

    Happy Accidents

      I had a Bob Ross moment this week. I’d taken a photo with the new camera lens… Let me back up a bit and put this in perspective.  The lens I use with my DSLR the most is my 18-55mm which allows me to get wide-angle but also close-up shots. It’s the workhorse of…

  • Falling down the Rabbit Hole
  • Wood of Aloes

    Wood of Aloes

    Some days, I have no words. The mind is… it’s not empty. It’s too full. The words tangle up on themselves and won’t flow. 

  • Falling to Fairyland

    Falling to Fairyland

    What do fairies do with all the children they steal? Ethereal bubbles enchant, but a dark portal awaits… 

  • Visual Story Prompts

    Visual Story Prompts

      I occasionally post an image of my artwork on facebook, and people surprise me with the ideas they pull out of the art. So this is a place where you could come, look, and possibly find the spark of a tale.   All of these pieces were created using Mandelbulb 3D version 1.8, with…

  • Math is Art

    Math is Art

    I’ve always found something strangely fascinating about those blackboards or whiteboards with huge incomprehensible equations scrawled across them… But I have to face that although I passed calculus, it was by the skin of my teeth. I can catch glimpses of the beautiful, elegant thing that math is, like looking through curtains out into a…