Tag: freedom
The Lone Man
I’d been reading John Locke, as I revisit the origins of my beloved country and remind myself where the freedoms I currently enjoy stem from. It’s a good thing to do periodically, as time erodes with it’s passage much that we took for granted. Locke, at length, proposes to trace the origination of the…
We Are Free: IV
I intend to persist with the posts on freedom, at least for a little while. It means many things to me. Not just the freedom politically I hold in our great country, to cast votes – and to hold the electoral process to the fire when it should be tested to see if it…
We Are Free: III
“Liberty.—The worth of a thing often lies, not in what one attains by it, but in the difficulty one experiences in getting it. The struggle for political liberty, for example, has done more than any other one thing to develop strength, courage and resourcefulness in the human race, and yet liberty itself, as we know…
Laying Ghosts to Rest
It’s been a weird old life. It certainly took twists and turns I could never have predicted from my teens until now. I don’t think of myself as being haunted by my past – I have regrets, but I have the insight to know that the blessings in my life would not have happened had…
A Right to Freedom
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” How long has it been since you last read the Declaration of Independence? Yes, it was a political document, written…
Live Free or Die
That’s what my shirt says today, anyway. I’m wearing one of my old tees that I picked up in N’Ampsha with the state motto on it. And an eagle that is more cute than fierce, although I don’t think that was the intention of the designer. I was thinking about the motto on my way…
Small Town Fourth of July
We were sitting on the porch this morning, like we often do, talking and sipping coffee. We weren’t talking about anything momentous – the coming week, the kids, household needs, planning. Like you do. I had my camera, as I’m still trying to catch the little red-bird fighting his reflection, and when the first part…
I’m Not Feeling It/I’m Feeling It
This is probably the first time that the First Reader and I have done the same post, but different viewpoints. So what you’re reading is first Sanford, then Cedar. Here’s our Fourth of July thoughts. Happy Independence Day! Sanford Today is the fourth day of July in the year 2016. I am normally excited by…
Freedom Lives
I don’t know that I can write about this, today. Not with any coherency, and I may never be able to do that, this has shaken me. Others have written fluently, and I’ll share those words. Click on links to read more, and feel free to share, either this post, or the cartoon I created…
Purple Neuter Polka-Dot Eater
It doesn’t matter. The brilliant MC Hogarth sums up. “…and I find… that I don’t care. Because oppression only matters if people have power over you. These days, I don’t have to care if editors don’t like stories by women, or Hispanics, or conservatives. I can just go to Amazon, publish them myself, and find…