Tag: gardening
Pickle Beer
When the Sour Pickle Beer tastes light and refreshing, you might have overdone it in the garden. I don’t drink these often – they don’t taste like beer, for the curious. They taste like pickle juice with some fizz, and I only have one when I’m dripping sweat and need to replace electrolytes. I wasn’t…
Hope Springs
I’m not as young as I once was. I planned for that, this year. Well… I’m planning for the future. Which means I’m exhausted, but setting the foundation for gardens that will, hopefully, need less care next year, and so on going forward. This year? It’s the big stuff. Trees, shrubs, berries, a set of…
The Black Thumb
The secret to having a green thumb is persistence. Yes, you’ll kill plants, but if you keep studying, and trying, eventually you’ll have something live. Oddly enough, what kills most houseplants? Overwatering. This is not to say I have a green thumb. I have not. In fact, this summer trying to garden in Texas was…
A Hobby Guide to Growing Tomatoes: Guest Post
My friend Matt sent me this a while ago. And I promptly didn’t put it up on the blog. My apologies, but then again, we are just hitting planting season here in the Heart of America, so it is timely for that and northerly climes. A Hobby Gardeners Guide to Growing Tomatoes By Matt Crowe…
The Mad Horticulturist
Hi, my name is Cedar, and I have a plant problem. All right, it’s not a problem. It’s more like… well, you know, for as long as I wanted to be a scientist, I wanted to be a botanist. As I look back now, I realize that what I wanted to do wasn’t the dull…
The Gas Lamp is Lit
As I was pulling away from the house today, I realized that I had a glaring orange eye of shame regarding me on my dashboard. I was low on fuel. The bad thing was, not only had the light been on since the night before, when I had completely forgotten it and driven home in…
I was listening to the radio on the way into work this morning. Let me back up a little. Our morning starts with himself up early, and then I get up about six, and he usually asks me how I slept as the lights come on. This morning, I told him in response to that:…
Monoculture, Agriculture, Permaculture
Continuing on the theme of talking about food, farms, and cultivation methods, I wanted to settle down on my soap box and talk about one of my favorite things. I grew up with parents who were very interested in gardening, producing our own foods, preserving it.. in other words, quite old-fashioned and what would now…
Home Executive: Frugal Wife
I meant to slide backwards today and discuss the foundations of this series – why I’m writing it and for what purpose, but to do that properly I need to cite references and frankly my dear, it’s been a whirlwind. We had a long weekend, and today I have a list of things to do…
Spring has always been, for me, the beginning of a new year. Winter is a time of enduring, waiting for the return of warmth, flowers, and the sun. When the rains come and the green unfurls, then I feel the quickening of my heart in time with the bird’s song. I’ve had a garden always,…
Beautiful America: Slow Food
America has a global reputation for being the land of fast food. Sure, we all do it. Life is a whirl, and sometimes you just can’t spend the time to create something truly good. But I’ve made and eaten some memorable meals over the years, with my family and loved ones. I think those memories…