Tag: gatekeepers

  • Accusations and Consequences

    Accusations and Consequences

    #hugoaward #sadpuppies R K Modena, a wonderful woman I am proud to call a friend, speaks out on the Hugo controversy, and why it is so much more than a tiny teacup tempest over an award. I’m quoting some of her post here, but really, you should go read the whole thing. It is an amazing memoir…

  • It’s not personal, it’s business

    It’s not personal, it’s business

    First off, I’m tired this morning. Had a wonderful weekend, and I really appreciate friends sharing their vacation with us, it made me feel like I’d gotten away from it all… mostly. Because  Peter and Dorothy are in the same industry, so we talked shop while we were touring the USAF museum and then later,…

  • Reading Material

    Reading Material

    #freefiction #scifi #fantasy Since I’m not yet working on a new project, there will be no snippeting for a while. Likely through the end of May, as school is taking all my brain right now. I’ll let you know when it gives that organ back… and in the meantime, I will try to find and…

  • Coffee in the Fog

    Coffee in the Fog

    I’m sitting here sipping coffee with almond milk in it, looking out at the fog. There was a train a little bit ago, with the whistle blowing all the way through town because of the heavy fog. I’m still not used to train whistles, living in New England and Alaska, trains were not part of…

  • Luxury of a Library

    Luxury of a Library

    Have one? Want one? Mosey on over to Mad Genius Club for my post on why we live in the lap of luxury when it comes to books.

  • Reading, Riting, and Rithmatic

    Reading, Riting, and Rithmatic

    I never did understand how that was supposed to be the three R’s. They say you can’t teach spelling – or at least, not in English, the most rule-breaking language on the planet. We are the rebel speakers of the world! We enjoy breaking rules. Spelling, phonetics, grammar… you name it, we’ve left splinters in…