Tag: goal setting
Two Thumbs
Typing with my thumbs tends to devolve to a thumb and forefinger. Something about that works better than both thumbs. Dexterity? Motor control? Not really sure. Regardless, I am working on my phone and this is an interesting exercise. I could pull out my tiny Bluetooth keyboard, but I am at work and, well, trying…
Setting Goals, Knocking them Down
I’m thinking of it like bowling. I keep setting them up, life keeps rolling in and knocking them down again. But I think I’m to the point where the ball has stopped ricocheting (heh – pinball, or bowling? You decide!) enough for me to set up a few things I’d like to do again. So…
Small Successes
Small successes build into larger ones, and so on ad infinitum. Well… maybe not to infinity. But at least until the end of the timeline of our lives. Even at the low points, when we feel that we have failed, there is some small success. It’s just that you can’t always see it. We…
Deadline Rush
My feet are tired. I’m tired. This is not a bad thing. First of all, I made it up on time this morning to hit the treadmill for a mile. Since this was the goal, that was happy. And then work was busy. I was challenged, and I rose to the challenge and accomplished…
June Writing Data
My monthly productivity report. I was thinking that the whole lockdown quarantine nonsense wasn’t affecting me all that much. After all, I go to work every day. I go home. I write. I make art – usually on my lunch break. I take walks with the camera in hand and fall in love –…
Writer Stats
Being the geek and scientist that I am, I started tracking my stats at the beginning of the year. The first couple of months, it was just… tracking. I wanted to see if I could incorporate the data collection itself into my daily routine. I am using a very simple google sheet for this.…
Two down, two to go
I came out of LibertyCon with invitations to participate in three anthologies. I was very excited about that – Sunday evening at the con, when it was all but over and the last casual groups were hanging out soaking up some social time with friends we might not see again for a long time, I…
Walk Through the Door and Hit the Ground Running
It’s February. How did that happen? Oh, right, the Earth revolves around the sun and every day/night cycle we’re a day older, will we, nill we. This last month has been… productive. Very productive. The downside of that is that I feel like I’ve been through the whirlwind and dumped out on my head, but…
New Year, New Goals
I started trying something new today. Well, it’s not really a new year’s resolution. It’s more of a new year, new goal. Similar to the last goal, only… Only this time I’m implementing a few tools to try and make the goal more reachable. The problem with a resolution – or, for that matter, a…
The Answer
Yesterday I turned the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything! years old. Today, I was in the mood to bake, so I was thinking while I shipped up a couple of pies and some quick bread. I have been craving pumpkin pie – as my readers will recall from my last post – and…
I ran when I was younger. (Now, it would probably kill me, but I digress). No, really! I may be short, and as my beloved husband describes my body shape, sturdy, but I could run. I wasn’t a sprinter, but I could endure for the long runs, and I preferred cross country running, usually barefooted.…