Tag: home office

  • Houses


    I went and looked at a house yesterday, and it’s got me thinking about the whole four walls and a roof thing. The basic needs in a home might be simple, but we all have the things that we just have to have, or the things we can’t live with. I loved the way the…

  • Attention Grabbers

    Attention Grabbers

    It’s been one of those days. For one thing, I usually try to post in the morning. Well, for one reason or another I didn’t get to it, and about mid-morning my day started to act like a pack of toddlers. You know what I mean, if you have spent any time around small children.…

  • Ergonomics

    This post is late because I hate my desk. Well, not really. It’s all my fault. I bought a new desk and chair at the beginning of the semester this last fall.  With a day before classes, I assembled them (got them at Ikea, which I love. The First Reader hates going there, makes him…

  • Safely in Ohio

    The big move has been made, I am settling into a new home, and looking seriously at local colleges. I spent most of yesterday and today getting my office into something resembling a space I can use, and it’s looking good. The writing is on hold until this coming Monday, when I shall go back…