Tag: illustrations
The Squeaks Caper
A few years ago, at the height of the nonsense, a friend was sad. Heck, the world was sad. Lawdog, like me, has a bit of the clown in him, so he was doing his part to entertain and amuse the world at large. I was doing art every day, and he’d been posting funny…
All the Things
February is one of my worst months, usually. I can’t say this year was completely different, but it was different. Worst in losing the dear doggo who has just always been there, breathing on my leg while I was trying to write, tripping me in the shadows of a night, following me with all the…
Odd Prompts: MidJourney Styles
So, I’ve been slugging my way through a short story that is emotionally fraught. No place to fit in the prompt. What you’ve got instead is an exploration of styles available through the art AI tool, MidJourney. I use this heavily in my graphic design of various projects, and when something new comes out, I…
The Ratel Saga
The Ratel Saga, story by Lawdog, and illustrated by yours truly, is available to purchase! The decision was made to make it available in ebook as a comic, as well as a coloring or activity book, because, well, it’s such fun! Almost 60 pages of meticulously labeled drawings of African wildlife accompany the very funny…
N’Inktober: Finale
And the last week closes with a final piece in watercolor and ink style. I’m very pleased with my efforts this month, and looking forward to focusing on other things than art next month – as much as I love doing my art, it isn’t exactly received with much comment, so I’ll go back to…
N’Inktober: Week 2
Not to jinx myself, but while some Octobers have been chaotic wild with the art challenge on top of everything else, this one seems to be allowing me time for creativity at least so far. I’m pretty happy with most of my output. If you’re seeing this before the explanatory post last week, check out…
Bibliophilia: Nature’s Craftsmen
This is the first book I intend to share as part of this series chronicling my love for books as works of art. There are far greater specimens, I am certain. I do not possess any that are museum quality. Some I bought simply for their beauty, but most are in my collection because…
Inktail & Friends
I have alluded to it, but now I’m going to get into details. I am working on a coloring book. No, not coloring it myself (although I need to do that for the cover I think) but creating one for other people to color in. I’ve been asked many times over the last couple of…
Artfully: Day 12
Today’s dragon was created with Adobe Illustrator, which is… I don’t know if I like this. Oh well. Work has been progressing nicely on Dragon Noir, I’ve added 3800 since yesterday, and plan to do another 2000 tonight. Wizbun drew a sigh of relief when the flames from the tiny dragon stopped, and then dropped…