Tag: kids
Slowly we rise
Part of my morning routine during the weekday involves making sure the teen boy in the house is fully conscious. He’s quite good at playing possum, so I’ve gotten equally good at being annoying and persistent. The exchange sometimes sounds like this: knock, knock knock. From within: moans knock, knock, knock “I’m up.” …
It’s a small life
There are days I let the blog go not only because I’m tired, overwhelmed, but because I have nothing significant to say. It’s a small life, after all. My world revolves around my kids, my husband, the dog, the house, sometimes the garden… and work, which I can’t really talk about here. So I don’t…
Consequence Parenting
The Little Man couldn’t find his favorite sweatjacket this morning. It turned him into the Tasmanian Devil. He was running around the house pulling out drawers, rifling through closets, and yelling back at his sister that he did put it on the coatrack where it was supposed to be. It’s a mystery. I suspect he’ll…
Love is… Motherhood
I am a mother, four times over, so I can speak to the ways that love forms my relationship with my children, and how I’ve parented over the years. I’m not a father, hence the title. Some of these things may resonate with fathers, but men are different than women (quelle suprise!) so fatherhood is,…
Snake Hubbub
It was a quiet afternoon here at the writer’s house. It was sunny, but not too warm, it was Friday, and relaxation was happening. Well, I was relaxing, at least. I was torn from my contemplation of the story I was writing by an excited voice. The girls are as big as I am now.…
Looking Outside
One of the wonderful things about living out in the country again, after three years in town, is the wildlife. I had been surprised how much was going on at the little house in town, in no small part because our house was tucked into the corner of thick brushy hedgerows. But out here, you…
Lego my Men
I’m blogging to you from the kitchen counter. I decided that it was better late than never, when it came to this post, so while I am keeping a half an eye on dinner, I’m writing this post on my tablet. We’re having pierogis and sloppy joes. Not, to my relief, sloppy joe sauce on…
Old Lady Music
Yesterday morning, my son and I were hanging out while he was getting ready for school. I was playing music, as I find it helps him get moving in the morning. I usually try to pick happy up-tempo stuff, and to be honest it gets me moving, too. He was sitting at the breakfast bar,…
Geeky Kids: Adventures in the Park
If you have a park near you, be sure to check it out. I’m not really talking about the little parks that are a playground and not much else – no, these are the big, spacious places with trees and water and hiking paths… Next step, pick up a good guide to wildflowers and one…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Dogs Can Be Jealous
(Cedar here – I wrote a funny metaphor story today over at the Mad Genius Club in which said jealous dog plays a part. You may enjoy it.) Written by Sanford Begley My stepchildren are in for a visit this summer, well number Daughter units 2 and 3 and Son unit 1. Their mother is…
They’re Back!
The Geeky Kids ride again! I’ve returned from the long trip with stories, adventures, and three of my children. I’m exhausted. It’s so exciting to have them here, and I will reprise last year’s special summer blogs where we do geeky stuff and I write about it for other families with geeky kids to get…
Curmudgeon’s Corner: Teens and the Mall
Written by Sanford Begley Teens Hot Topics Wife Unit (WU) is normally great to shop with. When we arrive at a store she has a list and we go get it. A little browsing through what is on sale, especially clearance, and we are on our way. The sole exception to this is a Hell…