Tag: Kipling
To All the Veterans
They all went out, in service of their country. Some came home again. They came home, and went back to work quietly, but we remember what they were willing to do on our behalf. We remember, and are grateful for the men and women who marched until their feet bled, for our safety and comfort.…
Bibliophilia: Child Stories
I make no secret that I love Kipling. So it shouldn’t surprise my readers I have a collection of antique Kipling books. I don’t usually read them, but as you’ll see, they are beautiful, not just space-fillers on my shelf. And I love gilding on books. So luxurious. This collection, published in 1899, contains…
Nurturing Men
I haven’t yet watched the ad. You know the one I mean, the one with the well meant intentions that went off the rails. Look, the underlying concept is sound. Men need mentors. Men, societally speaking, don’t have a lot of healthy male role models. Look at the statistics. We live in a world of…
A Call to Kipple
Alma Boykin, who writes delightful Russian fairytales brought to the New World, put out a call to kipple this morning. I was drawn to my bookshelves almost immediately. There was a small matter of coffee to be made, and drunk, first, and the dog to be cared for. But once I’d completed the short morning…
This week I have largely been focused on the men and women who have served their country, whether under fire, or in times when war threatened but did not fall. There is some sentiment that veterans are not heroes, which is nothing new, but it rears its vile head about this time every year, and…
Last Day
of Finals, that is. And I have been sick. The comments on yesterday’s post were amazing, thank you all! I will be coallating and putting it into a list with links later this week when school is officially over and I get stuck on writing and want busywork. So it might take a while… I’m…
Reading Tastes
I have successfully converted my dear First Reader into a ‘jelly snob,’ as he puts it. From being satisfied with strawberry, and sometimes for a change to have grape, store brand colored wiggly sweet stuff in a jar, we have gone to eyes lighting up at the idea of blackcurrant preserves. Today, he said as…