Tag: Kris Rusch

  • 18 Influential Voices in Literature on the Internet

    Someone put together a list of the 35 Writers who Run the Internet that had a bunch of us scratching our heads in puzzlement. We’d collectively heard of two or three of them, and most of us are very well read online, keeping up with the changes in the industry. So I challenged several disparate…

  • Industry Reading

    Industry Reading

    I have too much homework to think too much. Now, isn’t that a conundrum? Anyway, I decided I would spare you my analysis of John Donne’s The Flea, although if you have never read it, you should. It’s really funny. But I will let you analyze it yourself. Just let me suggest that you ponder…

  • Discoveries of the Day

    Discoveries of the Day

    For writers, I give you this quote from Kristine Kathryn Rusch:  “Ultimately, though, it’s not about money. It’s about creativity and control. If you want to be creative, original, and surprising as a writer, then publish indie. If you want to forge your own path to bestsellerdom, publish indie. Indie allows for creativity and control.”…