Tag: LA Behm

  • Eat This While You Read That: Lloyd Behm

    Eat This While You Read That: Lloyd Behm

    Lloyd A Behm is responsible for one of the Hard SF books written in the last couple of years that is eminently readable. Since this meal took me a couple of days from start to finish, you’ll have plenty of time to read. The Martian Aria is reviewed here, but the thumbnail is: great characters,…

  • Review: Martian Aria

    I had some time to read this last week, as I was on planes and in airports killing time waiting for those planes. In those situations, having my tablet loaded with books to read is a very good thing. The tablet has enough battery power to keep going basically as long as I needed it.…

  • Heroes

    This week I have largely been focused on the men and women who have served their country, whether under fire, or in times when war threatened but did not fall. There is some sentiment that veterans are not heroes, which is nothing new, but it rears its vile head about this time every year, and…