Tag: laughter
Cleverly Done
So, to set the scene… myself, and three of my colleagues. All of us grown scientist types. Sitting around a big conference table duly socially distanced. Masked, gloved… ok, that last was because we were all working on a task together. Unusually, this was not a lab task. But you get the picture. One…
I Like Big Books…
I cannot deny it. I got a new book in the mail yesterday night when we got home after having looked at four (!! our realtor is energetic, but we were dragging tail by the end) houses yesterday. I opened the very heavy box, trying to remember what I’d ordered, and to my delight discovered…
Mother’s Day
It’s the day we celebrate motherhood. I am a mother myself, and I find that today I am remembering those first months of motherhood, before the birth, when I was trying my best to prepare as much as possible for what was coming. I couldn’t possibly prepare myself, but I tried, reading books, talking to…