Tag: mackey Chandler

  • ETWYRT: Mackey Chandler

    ETWYRT: Mackey Chandler

    Mirror-posted from The Otherwhere Gazette I’ve had the pleasure over the last couple of years of reading Mac Chandler’s two series, and watching him grow by leaps and bounds as an author. While April, his debut novel, was a very strong story with a terrific female lead who… well, I suggest you read it. It…

  • Review: One of Each

    Review: One of Each

    I got two new books in this last week, and I managed to read them both. One fiction, and one non-fiction. Being sick helped with the reading, for a little silver lining in a cloud. I read book #6 in the Ongoing April series by Mackey Chandler. I have enjoyed this series from the first…

  • Not Here

    Not Here

    I learned a new word today. The First Reader, who had traveled the world in his youth, and picked up smatterings of languages, explained this one to me. The German word for sick is crunken. From there, it’s obvious where the word cranky came from. I am endeavouring not to be cranky anywhere but in…

  • Review: Triple Header!

    Review: Triple Header!

    I think I have mentioned before that I do the vast majority of my reading on electronic devices. At the moment, that’s a cell phone, a tablet, and a device that used to be a cell phone and is now my reading-in-bed gadget. The tablet is too heavy for me to comfortably skooch under the…