Tag: macrophotography
Bug Safari
I had promised myself that if I got through the editing and uploaded the working files for the upcoming book (Postcards from Foolz, due out from Raconteur Press this coming Friday) that I’d put a macro lens on the camera and go prowl the garden for a while. The thing about the lens I…
Bug Safari
I finally found the time and inclination to do something at this house. After a year of living here (almost!) I got out the camera, macro lens, and went bug hunting.
Pretty Pictures
I did a series once on this blog, years ago, that I called Beautiful America. Debating reviving that, but in the meantime I’ve been shooting bugs and country roads this month already. Now, I am not sure what changed, but recently the blog is refusing to allow me to upload full size photo files.…
Marvelous Mosses
I went for a hike yesterday. Just a little one. I felt guilty for taking the time to do it. So there’s a metropark near my work. The Dayton area, which I call home, has something like 14 parks and conservancy areas in it. Next summer I’d like to hit all of them, but…
People of the Mushroom Planet
So, the other day (ok, a few weeks back) someone shared a video of tiny people riding bugs. “You should do this!” They told me. Which does sound like a lot of fun, but it takes time, patience, and possibly refrigeration to train insects to carry riders. Beside that, where do you get miniature people?…
Efferia pogonias
The Robber Fly, with his characteristic facial hair, is an accomplished predator – the hawk of the fly world, preying on a variety of smaller insects. (identification based on Herschel Raney’s site)
Sunday Art: Assassin
One of the things about hunting for bugs is that I get to observe them at their daily lives. And sometimes I catch the most secretive of them in the act. On this particular day I was out with the macro lens, when I spotted a tachnid fly sitting on a Black-Eyed Susan. I maneuvered…
Bug Hunt
It’s well into summer, and I have done very little bug hunting. In spite of having acquired a macro lens for Christmas… Money can buy stuff. What it can’t buy is time. I mean, I keep seeing this nifty pen set I’d like, and I have money in the art account, but… But I don’t…
Shooting Snowflakes
The world is tucked neatly into a warm white blanket. Under the snow slumber the insects and arachnids I love to photograph during warmer times, so I am turning to my winter pastimes of preserving #lovelydeadcrap and shooting snowflakes. The problem with shooting snow… ok, there are several problems. One is that each flake is…
Gotta Catch them All!
It struck me this morning that my laissez faire approach to insect hunting is slowly morphing into something else. I was stalking bugs yesterday after work, just casting around behind the house for some little thing, and as I hung poised over the flowers waiting for movement so I could focus and shoot, it crossed…