Tag: Mad Genius Club
Morning Miscellany
My post is up at MGC this morning: I wanted to write this post for a couple of reasons. One, to counter the claim I saw recently that crowdfunding is necessary to create a debut novel, because you need money to write. Note that the claim here is not: I need money for editing, formatting,…
Biological Exploration
It happened in class. I was quietly sitting in the big lecture hall, surrounded by some fifty-odd other students (this was Friday, and no homework due in class, and a beautiful day… about half the class didn’t bother to show up). I was writing, because the character I’m weaving a story around likes this class.…
The Daily Blather
Ok, I’m back. No, it’s not actually news blather, but you will have noticed I share at least three other blogs on fb besides my own, and this is why: fb doesn’t like people. Well, ok, let me rephrase that. They like money more than helping people. As soon as I see another way to…
18 Influential Voices in Literature on the Internet
Someone put together a list of the 35 Writers who Run the Internet that had a bunch of us scratching our heads in puzzlement. We’d collectively heard of two or three of them, and most of us are very well read online, keeping up with the changes in the industry. So I challenged several disparate…
I’m tired. It’s been a long week and it will be a long weekend. But here, have a post! I go on at length over at Mad Genius Club about tenchical terms, and I want you to contribute, as well.
Art and beauty are what?
I’ve written at length today over at Mad Genius Club about art, and beauty, and why we are in the sad state of art today. See More… And here’s a brilliant quote by Kristine Kathryn Rusch that was perfect to go along with it. “The first rule of being an artist is to be an artist.…
Taking My Peeves for a Walk
This reader has a few pet peeves. Most of the time I just avoid them, but once in a while I put them on a leash and take them for a stroll, because I am also a writer, and knowing where the peeve has gone lets me avoid annoying my readers. Just be careful…
Public faces and other stuff
I volunteered to fill in for Kate Paulk over at Mad Genius Club this morning, so if you are interested in som ideas on promotion and the internet, you might click here. Otherwise, this is an odd day, as I have the last Comp & Lit class, the last Microbiology lecture, and a trip to…
Lexile and Reading
My post over at Mad Genius Club this morning is about reading levels, books, and how complex literature can be without using big words and lengthy sentences.