Tag: moving

  • Blog Move

    Blog Move

    Hey all! I’m announcing exciting news! The blog, in all it’s randomness, is moving solely to Substack. The website will still be here, but the look will change in the next week or so, and the blog archive will be behind a static page for me the author and artist. I hope you join me…

  • Wubbuda


    The sound you make when you hit the wall.  I’m trying not to wear myself out. Trying really hard. It’s just there are a lot of moving parts and I seem to be getting less sleep even though I’m lying down obediently at bedtime and getting up… ok, last couple of mornings I was already…

  • April Whirlwind

    April Whirlwind

    The chaos is upon me. Boxes fill the living area. We hadn’t intended to start packing up the kitchen and pantry this soon, to be honest. With the ability to stage the move from apartment to house in a somewhat leisurely manner, we’d planned for… more time. But the apartment complex sent notice that tomorrow…

  • Too Much

    Too Much

    That moment when you find yourself with so much to do, and so little time, not to mention mental energy, that you are sitting in front of the bookshelf indulging in a little light research instead of doing anything else. Even the research is kinda useless, because there’s no writing brain. The writing brain has…

  • Dormancy


      The blog will continue to be largely dormant for another week or three.  You see, we are having an Adventure. Which, to be honest, are usually best observed while happening to someone else, far away. However, there comes a time in life when you simply must pull yourself up by the rootball and make…

  • Overwhelmed with Blessings

    Overwhelmed with Blessings

    There are times you need to sit down and count them up, because it’s been simply overwhelming here at the Nut House, and I’ve been more focused on navigating my way through – and making sure my family is as stable as my hands can make them in their passage as well. The power of…

  • The New House

    The New House

    We went over to the new place today, and I finally got the photos of the inside I’ve been promising. Not a lot, since we were more interested in documenting issues (we’re renting, and a record of what it looked like when we moved in is important) and measuring rooms prior to hauling furniture. Since…

  • Safely in Ohio

    The big move has been made, I am settling into a new home, and looking seriously at local colleges. I spent most of yesterday and today getting my office into something resembling a space I can use, and it’s looking good. The writing is on hold until this coming Monday, when I shall go back…