Tag: odd prompts
Morning Mist: Oddly Prompted
I haven’t written for a week. This is… not good. In an attempt to at least muddle through some of my routines and commitments and regain my momentum, I’ve gone ahead with a MidJourney image for the prompt last week. “The morning mist kissed the flower petals.” And also, a ‘remastered’ version of the initial…
Odd Prompts: Gravel Drive
This is another snip of the WIP I’m calling Special Delivery for now. *** John drove slowly up the winding drive, peering ahead of them with more than strictly necessary attention. The road wasn’t paved, but the center greenery had been neatly cut down, and recently, too. He steered around a puddle with a frown. …
Odd Prompts: Missing Lynx Snip
You’ll find the beginning here. The characters were introduced in The Case of the Perambulating Hatrack. *** After a long silence, I focused on her again. She’d been sitting apparently motionlessly while I thought. “How is it that you think I’m willing to commit common burglary?” I put my hands on the desk, quietly. They…
Odd Prompts: Chloe
Some of you may recognize these characters from Groundskeeper: Raking Up the Dead. This will eventually be part of the next story in that series. ********** She yawned with jaw dropping force, and Mark flinched. Chloe shook her head and picked up her mug, then realized it was empty. She reached for her thermos and…
Odd Prompts: Corn Palace
Ok, this was an odd one this week, and I think I folded, spindled, and mutilated the prompt to make it fit in what I needed to write. Enjoy! **** The coven’s reach isn’t as long as they would like, but it’s pretty wide in a radius around Eugene.” “That’s why you routed us around…
Odd Prompts: Wonderland Snip
So! I have had a little extra time (two snow days!) and with rest, the writing brain started to come back online. This week’s snippet is short, but I’ve been working on this story trying to splice together all the bits and pieces into a cohesive whole. At 16K words I can say… it’s…
Odd Prompts: Wonderland
I will sometimes get little flashes of fiction, scenes without any real setting or place. This one, I know belongs to Wonderland. But I don’t know where it goes in the story. My muse is being shockingly reticent these last couple of months. *** “Hey, Carroll…” The captain had opened the door to…
Odd Prompts: A Gremlin Thanksgiving
This week’s prompt response is set in the same world as Lab Gremlins, with some familiar characters! Gremlin Thanksgiving “You want me to do what?” Steven remained sitting so he was looking straight into the eyes of his boss who was standing across the desk from him. He’d been bored out of his…
Wonderland: Part 3
More prompted writing serial, which I started here, and continued here. I may need to go re-read Alice in Wonderland before I write more of this, or I may just massively abridge the conceptual bits I remember into this weird story. And no, it is not a fantasy. At most I’ll do a little…
Too Familiar: Odd Prompted
Kitten pulled the scarf tighter around her head and ducked out of the door, pulling it tightly shut behind her. The scarf wasn’t just to keep the biting cold wind out. The door nearly-slammed wasn’t just to keep that wind from snatching it open and banging. Although that would make her master yell louder,…
A participant in the prompt challenge pointed out that More Odds Than Ends could be acronym’d (I know, that’s not a word) as MOTE. Which amused me, because it had never occurred to me to plan that. I was just coming up with a silly name for a group of creatives who had trouble…
Life rarely follows the steady, even beat you think you wish it would. Life changes relentlessly, and with each little change, the future shifts like a kaleidoscope turning. There’s no going back to that past pattern, no way to reset life into a previous schema you have already passed by. Time flows onward, and…