Tag: organization

  • Spring Cleaning

    Spring Cleaning

    ‘Tis the season when the sap rises, flowers bloom, and this woman’s thoughts turn to the state of the house. In my case ‘AAAAHHHH!11!! I can’t find anything!’ is a good summary of those thoughts.  Today, then, was the start of spring cleaning. Rather than turn the entire house inside-out over the course of a…

  • Weekend Revelries

    Weekend Revelries

      It’s snowing outside my house. Spring was tantalizingly close last week, and here we are under a nice blanket of snow. I expected this from February, to be honest. I can live with snow – I have a nice warm house, plenty of food, no need to leave and drive… until tomorrow anyway. I’ve…

  • Kitchen Goals

    Kitchen Goals

    I was joking with my sister as we wrapped up the trip to DC that I was going home with new library goals, after having seen Jefferson’s library in the Library of Congress, and Julia Child’s kitchen at the Smithsonian. I could have spent hours in Jefferson’s library just taking notes of titles. You couldn’t…

  • A Sense of Order

    A Sense of Order

    Yesterday’s post was about coping with chaos, so it seems fitting to follow up today with the benefits of orderliness. I am a creative soul, and we’re not known as neatniks for a reason, I’ve discovered. I’m not fond of stereotypes, but it seems there’s no escaping this one! Or is there? Ofttimes the clutter…

  • When Chaos is the New Normal

    When Chaos is the New Normal

    The human mind likes routine. We complain about being bored, but when allowed, we tend to do things in the same way. For some people, routines are more important than others. For children, they are very important in setting up behaviors and habits that will last them a lifetime. For good or for bad. Sometimes,…

  • Assailed with Doubts

    I’m tired, and I know it. Which is good, because otherwise I might start listening to the internal voices that nibble away at my confidence and make me start to wonder what I’m doing, and why. But this feeling, of fatigue and uncertainty, is an old familiar one. I’m not exhausted, just tired. Exhaustion is…

  • Read my Coffee Cup

    Read my Coffee Cup

    My Dad gave me a mug embossed with the words “So Many Books, So Little Time” and I am beginning to feel that as I eye my growing stack of to-be-read books. And those are the visual ones, the hidden books on my kindle and phone are even greater in number, but easier to ignore…