Tag: passion
When I grow up…
I don’t know what I want to do when I grow up. Years ago, when I was six, I decided that I wanted to be a scientist. I was mildly obsessed with plants, animals, ecology, and in general the outdoors and books (sometimes in combination) throughout my childhood and well into my teens. And then……
Guest Poetry
Jonathan LaForce gave me permission to post the poem I mentioned last week in it’s entirety for your reading pleasure. I think I can safely say this is one of, if not the, best modern poems I have had the pleasure to encounter. I’m tickled to reveal it in public for the first time, and…
Committing Poetry Again
I don’t do it often, but I’m recovering from something that knocked me flat yesterday, probably fatigue related, as it has been an incredibly long week-or-so. I tend to get sick when I run the tank too low. Fortunately, the fever broke in the night, so I’m on the mend. But the brain functions are…