Tag: philosophy
Precision and Accuracy
I may have written an essay about this topic before, but you know, I think it bears revisiting. For one thing, every time I write about something, I am coming back to it with deeper understanding, more experience, and a changed outlook. I can’t help it, really. Time is not static, therefore neither am I.…
Wilding Places
When the wild creeps into the human spaces, the fear crawls along with it like a wounded animal, snapping at anything that moves. From time immemorial, bandits have hidden in the forests, even if only metaphorically, and a tangle of trees and brush ignites a spark deep in the brain. An instinctive reaction to an…
Stolen Time
This weekend I managed some reading time. Yesterday, I managed some nature time. Feeding my soul tidbits to keep me going through this season in life where there is so much to be done, and so little time to do it in. Deadlines rushing up at you like a bull charging do tend to concentrate…
The Value of Easy
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live life on the easy setting. I tend to find myself deliberately doing things the hard way, and challenging myself with the life-choices I’ve made. Take college, for instance. I chose to go back to it, after a 20 year hiatus, to obtain a degree that…
Live like an Orchid
I was reading a book the other day that mentioned a hothouse. It was a British mystery, and the hothouse did actually play a role… and if you like Brit mysteries I can highly recommend this series which starts with A Man of Some Repute and is set in the Cold-War Era (just don’t bother…
Curmudgeon Reviews: Steelheart
Steelheart (Reckoners Book 1) by Brandon Sanderson A review written by Sanford Begley I think I owe Brandon Sanderson an apology, though I’ve never met him. I have avoided his books like the plague because in my opinion he couldn’t write an ending. I am happy to be proven wrong. This is the first book…
Pursuit of Polymath
I’ve been called a Renaissance woman, a Heinlein girl, and asked many times how I can reconcile my artistic tendencies with a passion for science. The reality is that I grew up with no barriers, no one telling me ‘you can’t do that because you’re a girl.’ I took to heart early, Heinlein’s words that…
Why So Extreme?
Written by Sanford Begley We have all seen ideas and opinions from the other side of the political spectrum that are so bizarre they evoke Poe’s Law. Most of the ones I see are the far left loonies being ridiculous. Notice I said most. I have seen some from the far right that are just…
Kitchen Musings
It’s my day over at the MGC and I was doing housework and let the blog slip my mind… sorry. I am working on a cooking project, have happily made my house cleaner, and helped my honey with a honey-do from his list (which didn’t go smoothly, but then, these things never do!). I’ve got…
Blast from the Past: Porn Positions
This was written for an ethics class. I don’t recall if I ever published it before. It ties into tomorrow’s post… Pornography is difficult to define, making it difficult to choose a position on it. Justice Potter Stewart, in his opinion on a Supreme Court case, famously said of pornography that “I know it when…
Review: Chaplain’s War
I have been working on this book since… longer than I care to think about. And it’s a good book. So what took me so long? Well, I bought it in paper. Yeah, I know, most people buy books in paper, what gives? Long story short – and I think I’ve told the long story…