Tag: pigs
Planting trees
This week I have been planting a lot of things. Yesterday it was raining and I was hurting, so I didn’t do much. Dad and Uncle Mike came down and walked around the garden and farm with Mica and I. Uncle Mike hasn’t seen it in years, as he lives in Wisconsin and visits rarely.…
Early Morning Reward
Life on a farm is early to bed, early to rise. I’ve lived this way all my life, and even when we weren’t actively farming it was a habit I used to be teased about. This morning I got up earlier than I needed to for work, and listening to the radio learned we were…
We’d planned to get pigs for a while… they were supposed to be piglets, you know, little 20 pound babies that would elicit adoring “sqee!’s” from my daughters. Well, I finally spotted a litter on craigslist that wasn’t too expensive (the price of piglets around here is outrageous!) and pounced on them. Yesterday we were…