Tag: preparation

  • Embracing Nightmares

    Embracing Nightmares

    We recorded a session of the BroadCast today, which will air on Wednesday. Myself, the Lovely Miss Rita, and Alyssa Casto all sat down together to talk about wonderment, daydreams, and life. It was a great conversation. Like these things do, it sparked me into thinking about something long after we’d said farewell and gone…

  • And still, Don’t Panic

    And still, Don’t Panic

      I’ve been debating the usefulness of yet another post about the coronavirus. The first one I made still feels relevant: handwashing, don’t panic. However, since events have escalated in the last few hours, it’s on my mind.  I’ll keep saying not to panic. I’d be saying that if the survivors were getting all bitey…

  • Hurdles


    I ran when I was younger. (Now, it would probably kill me, but I digress). No, really! I may be short, and as my beloved husband describes my body shape, sturdy, but I could run. I wasn’t a sprinter, but I could endure for the long runs, and I preferred cross country running, usually barefooted.…

  • Inertia


    I spent two hours this morning navigating snot-slick roads with rain, no, that’s snow, no, that’s rain, no… that’s sleet now… falling on us. Given that we were in a car with two-wheel drive, four wheels on far too little surface are on the road for my comfort under those conditions, and even though I…

  • Stressball


    You know what I mean – when there is so much that needs to be done, and such tight deadlines, that you feel your guts knot up into a giant stressball. You can’t sleep, you forget to eat until it’s so bad you’re weaving on your feet. You can’t focus, because your thoughts are racing in…

  • Home Executive: Part I

    Home Executive: Part I

    I started out my morning by cleaning off my desk. Small task, but it’s more that I know if I don’t do it, and I keep letting it pile up, I won’t be able to get any work done. Sort of like last night, the First Reader and I taking the time to walk the…