Tag: ramblings

  • Stuff and Nonsense

    Stuff and Nonsense

      I was sitting here this morning staring at the chair next to my desk trying to come up with a good blog topic. I’d set up the prompt post over at MOTE this morning, and I was beginning to wonder if I need prompts for non-fiction writing, as well. You see jokes on social…

  • You adorable weirdos, you

    You adorable weirdos, you

      Sometimes being an adult sucks rocks. Sometimes being an adult means I can say stupid stuff like that last sentence and know I’m not going to be scolded for slang. Sometimes I have more thoughts than I can possibly have words to express them with. Sometimes that means I say the same word over…

  • Feeling a little rusty

    Feeling a little rusty

    I think I need a duster in here. No, maybe a snow-blower… it’s been too long since I did anything with the blog. I do have reasons. Not just excuses! But I’m not looking back, I’m looking forward. School is out… forever. Ok, for at least a year. I promised the First Reader that much.…

  • Grocery Bags

    I had a conversation with the First Reader as I was cutting his hair. Getting him all spiffy and beautiful for the convention… anyway, we were talking about language drift, and how fast it can be at times. He’d read an old blog post of mine, about making jams, after my Sunday post on Jammin’…

  • Very Little Brain

    Very Little Brain

    I am a girl of very little brain today. Yesterday having been the first day of school, I got almost everything on my list done, but it’s left me feeling a bit out of it this morning. Things I got done yesterday include writing 1000 words, in this case on a new short-story. I’m going…

  • The Door Into Summer

    The Door Into Summer

    The dog and I are both looking for it, today. Heinlein’s classic tale of time travel, the hard way, inspired me to create a piece of art for a friend a while back, and I thought I would share today. The dragons are obviously not part of the story, but his dog – now ours…