Tag: red riding hood

  • Artfully: Day 19

    Today I was working on setting up blog posts for this blog, and others I guest at. As I will be doing a cover tutorial tomorrow for Mad Genius Club, I worked on cover art for two stories I wanted to use as demos of before and after. Both are manipulated photographs.

  • walking in the woods

    walking in the woods

    Free story!  Little Red and the Wolf-Man is available free on Amazon!  I am going to let you all enjoy the story, while I take my family out for a hike in the woods of Vermont today. I will be returning to a regular schedule on Thursday, so hang on, I know the blog isn’t…

  • Cheap Story!

    Cheap Story!

    My top selling short story is on sale for 50% off! If you enjoy retellings of fairy tales, then you might enjoy Little Red and the Wolf-Man. I grew up reading Russian fairy tales, and this was born out of a love of those stories, my red cardinal cloak, and a desire for a story…

  • ASM Review is Up

    ASM Review is Up

    My Monday post at Amazing Stories Magazine is up, the full review of the anthology I read for them.  In other news, I’m prepping a sale on a couple of my stories. One will be free later this week, and one will be 50% off! Keep your eyes on Little Red and the Wolf-Man, and…

  • Red Riding Hood

    Red Riding Hood

    I wrote a grown-up version of the classic fairy tale, where Russe is armed with a shotgun, and the wolf had better watch out… It’s been available for a while, and I have a sequel plotted. I should work on that this summer. A conversation on facebook brought it to mind, so I am sharing…