Tag: routines
Being at Rest
Since I have been attempting to keep Sunday as my rest day, and given that yesterday was a lovely but strenuous day, I have done remarkably little today. Perhaps next week I shall do even less. Even (gasp!) schedule ahead a blog post. This week, I shall give you my daily art. Which is, I…
One Meatball
I should be prepping for tonight’s livestream, but frankly I’m run dry on ideas. Which is a little strange because usually I’m full of them. Right up until I sit down to write, that is. I sat here for the last ten minutes messing around with an art program trying to come up with something…
Chasing the Red Dot
I have a tendency to over-focus. I become hyperaware of this one thing, this singular project in front of me, and I get tunnel vision. Nothing outside my narrow field exists. Time shrinks to a bright point of light, like the kitten chasing the red dot. Needless to say, this is terribly useful. Sometimes. …
When Chaos is the New Normal
The human mind likes routine. We complain about being bored, but when allowed, we tend to do things in the same way. For some people, routines are more important than others. For children, they are very important in setting up behaviors and habits that will last them a lifetime. For good or for bad. Sometimes,…
The New Schedule and other Housekeeping
Now that I am both recovered from traveling and have begun school again, it’s time to address the blog. I’d decided a while back I wasn’t going to be able to keep up the daily schedule if I was going to write fiction productively. So in 2016 there will be a new blog schedule, as…