Tag: side dish
Fried Cabbage and Apples
This is so simple, a recipe hardly seems necessary, but on the other hand, perhaps this will remind you of this side dish, estimably suited for fall and winter when the cabbage and apples are the best sorts of things to store from harvest until wanted for the table. Even if you aren’t a farmwife…
Vintage Kitchen: Scalloped Potatoes
When I picked this recipe, it was because I wanted a side dish to have with dinner, I had potatoes on hand, and I have fond memories of my Dad’s versions of Potatoes au Gratin (which he has won prizes with. But that’s another post, if he’ll let me use his recipe). This… is not…
Eat this While you Read That: James Young
As my readers likely realize, I know most of the authors in this series to one extent or another. That is, after all, how I get the chutzpah to ask them for a moment of their busy time to talk to a nutty lady about food and cooking. James Young is no exception. I met…