Tag: Space marines

  • Odd Prompts: Preparations

    Odd Prompts: Preparations

    This is a snippet of a WIP, and I’ve just finished up a long story for an anthology. I’ve written about 3700 words so far today! *** “First order of business is to reach the engine.”  The marines nodded. They were eager to get in the ship, and see if there were survivors, but it…

  • Odd prompts: Adrift

    Odd prompts: Adrift

    The ship was not still, but at least it was no longer under power. The relentless drive had been silenced, and the marines hung silently in the cargo bay, bunched up with attention pointed outward. Not weapons, with no signs of life or movement, just aware of their surroundings. The comms woke up.  “Engine is…

  • New Military Science Fiction Book!

    New Military Science Fiction Book!

    Not mine! No, this is a book I have been waiting for. I’ve been peripherally involved in it for a very long time, and after a long wait, it’s finally here! By Dawn’s Early Light is a shimmering addition to the stars of science fiction, especially for fans of MilSF.  If you like military science…

  • Review: Honor from Ashes

    Review: Honor from Ashes

    I haven’t been able to read – no time!  – for about two weeks. I made the time for this book. First, I’d been looking forward to Honor from Ashes, the third book in the Honor and Duty series. Second, I really needed some relaxation time and I knew that this book would be well-enough written…

  • Review: An Unproven Concept

    Review: An Unproven Concept

    I’m struggling a little with continuing to do reviews on this blog. A while back – and I delayed this discussion to give some space, but those who read regularly will know which one – I did a less-than-glowing review on a book. Look, it’s a bad book. There are a lot of flaws with…