Tag: Taskforce Chiweenie

  • Out Now! Just in time for the Holidays…

    Out Now! Just in time for the Holidays…

    Taskforce CHIWEENIE and the Poultry Liberation Front  It’s an adult coloring book. Why adult? Well, the fans asked us not to edit out the salty language.  This isn’t just a book with line-art illustrations you can add your own color to. It’s a story, loosely told through pithy After Action Reports, by the inimitable Lawdog.…

  • Coming Soon!

    Coming Soon!

    Sanderley Studios are proud to present two upcoming publications. We’ve been hard at work on them, and it’s finally time to start showing off what’s been happening behind the scenes. Despite the commonalities, these are two VERY different books.  First up!  Taskforce CHIWEENIE and the Poultry Liberation Front Story by Lawdog Illustrated by Cedar Sanderson…