Tag: teaching
Busy makes it’s own problems. I like busy. But it does mean that I’m not focusing on everything at once. Actually, it’s probably good I’m not. That would be… distracting. I can multitask, but unlike the mental image of an octopus wielding objects with all eight arms, you should instead picture a figure sitting on…
Consequence Parenting
The Little Man couldn’t find his favorite sweatjacket this morning. It turned him into the Tasmanian Devil. He was running around the house pulling out drawers, rifling through closets, and yelling back at his sister that he did put it on the coatrack where it was supposed to be. It’s a mystery. I suspect he’ll…
Vita Brevis
Part the second, you may like to read the first part here before beginning this essay. Life is short. As the technology and medicine has evolved and developed over the last century, the human lifespan has expanded along with it. We can theorize about the end of aging, and a postponement of death for a unprecedented…