Tag: vignette

  • Odd Prompts: A Juicy Big Tomato

    Odd Prompts: A Juicy Big Tomato

    A standalone vignette. I promise! I’m not going to turn it into a whole novella like I did with Running Into Time! *** Kerchunk-splat!  Devon ducked back behind the relative safety of the auditorium door. There had been a direct hit on the window in it, just moments before. The glass shattered, the metal mesh…

  • Odd Prompts: Deep Dive

    Odd Prompts: Deep Dive

     “Shouldn’t it be a suit?”  “What?” He looked up from the wet surface of the dock to meet the other man’s eyes. “Jimmy?”  James Pietswach, Jimmy to all and sundry, was hanging over the rail and looking down at the man on the floating dock. “A suit. With, you know, arms and legs. At least…

  • Odd Prompts: Tie it in a Bow

    Odd Prompts: Tie it in a Bow

    Composing this one straight into the blog editor. It’s going to be short – I’ve done something to my shoulder.  **** The long gray double ribbon of highway stretched out before her eyes, over the gleaming hood of the car. Dancing mirrored mirages were the only thing that broke it’s smooth sweep across the arid…

  • Odd Prompts: Shortly

    Odd Prompts: Shortly

    This is going to be an exercise in writing very short. I have a deadline coming, and this won’t fit.  *** “Cor blimey.” The grimy little face wasn’t visible, but she could picture it streaked with mud already, despite the early hour. Under the layer of mud would be the too-pale skin of her young…

  • Odd Prompts: Zombie Nature

    Odd Prompts: Zombie Nature

    The characters will be familiar to those of you who have read Lab Gremlins.  *** “Hard hat, safety toes, and lab goggles,” Steven muttered to himself. “That’s all I ever wanted in a job.”   “Huh?” Bob twisted around and looked at him. At least the big cephalapoid kept his weapon pointed away from his…

  • Space Dragon

    Space Dragon

    Between the bulk of their own ship, and the vast formation of Others, which was slowly breaking apart and heading for them, it appeared out of the empty space. Streamers of light and not-light undulating in an eerie coherence, the vast body of it coruscating as it moved between them, the Bouler’s Dragon never even…