Tag: wildcrafting
Wildcraft: Waiting on Spring
Here in Southern Ohio the green things are beginning to burgeon. Trees are blooming, birds are singing… wild things are still thin on the ground if you are hungry, however. The early spring greens I talked about last week are definitely here. Now is the time to start watching for teasel leaves peeping through…
Wildcraft: A Practiced Eye
I wanted to do a series of posts on Wildcrafting, foraging, whatever you want to call it: the art of finding wild edibles and how to safely consume them without harming yourself or the environment. The presentation I gave on it at LTUE was very well received – they were turning people away at the door…
LTUE Schedule
It’s wet here in Southern Ohio. Very wet. It’s also cold, but that’s a new development. Yesterday it was almost too warm for a coat, unless you didn’t want to get wet. The First Reader was complaining that the backyard was becoming a lake. The river is as high as I’ve ever seen it. I’m…
Wilding Walk
I will be guiding a Forage and Birding walk at LongMeadow Farm in Lebanon, OH this coming weekend. Saturday July 7, at 10 am. If you can’t make this one, we will be doing two more, one in August and finally in September. I’m excited about this – I love to talk about plants, bugs,…
Wild Edible Plants
I’ve been going through my posts and looking for stuff I’ve written on wildcrafting. Hopefully I’ll have the time later to do something more, in the meantime… I need to pull out a lot of files. Any interest in locals on going for a Forage Walk with me? It may happen, we’re working on a…
Sunday Morning Frittata
It’s been a while since I made Sunday morning breakfast special. It’s also been a while since I blogged about food. This morning, with no plans in sight for the day (yay!) I decided I was going to do this thing. Since the kitchen also needed cleaning, I did that and kept the breakfast spread…
We want to conserve the world around us. Not to eliminate the footprint of mankind, but to soften it, to pause it for a moment during the hurried day to smell the wildflowers, admire the industry of the bee, and thrill to the music of the songbird. Conservation understands the vital role of the green…
Eat This While You Read That: Michael Z Williamson
This week’s ETWYRT is a little different. It was, for one thing, a meal that had me doing much more contemplation than usual before I embarked on it. When I asked MadMike for a dish, I knew he was busy and wouldn’t send a recipe, except… he did. And an unspoken challenge. He knows me…
Sunday Brunch
Well, actually this was Saturday brunch for the First Reader and I, and it’s partly because when I’m writing and it’s not going well, I bake. And cook, and clean, and… Anyway. About a week ago, while visiting in Kentucky, I realized that the funny little tufts of green in the folk’s yard, sticking up…
Walking in the Woods
Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia) is one of the first berries to ripen, in mid June, because it is one of the first to bloom. Distantly related to apples and roses, the Serviceberry trees look like puffy white clouds as you drive down the road in early May. I have several here on the Farm, and I…
Wildcrafting Fiddleheads
I have lived in New Hampshire for twenty years now, and have only gotten around to looking for fiddleheads this year. I’m not sure why – I certainly wildcraft enough with other things, both obvious and obscure. Partly I believe it is because they are only available for a few weeks, if not days, in early…