Tag: Wildflowers

  • Sowing Seeds

    Sowing Seeds

    And this isn’t a metaphor, it’s what I did today. I did a lot of other things too. It was a good day, and I’m tired at the end of it.  It started, though, doing one of the things I love best, sitting on the porch with my First Reader, watching the sun come up…

  • Erodium


    Now that I’ve settled into the new digs – mostly. Still transporting books down from storage, but honestly I’ve decided this is a Good Thing. Not only does it give me an excuse to venture up to see friends once a week or so, and social interaction is important with my spouse several states away…

  • Aslcepias


      Milkweed, and it’s cousin Butterfly Weed, are some of my favorites. Not only are they host to the Monarch butterfly in infant stage, they have wonderfully shaped flowers. The Common Milkweed has a divine scent: the one time I have seriously attempted distillation I was seeking to capture the volatile oils that make their…

  • Spring Wildflowers

    Spring Wildflowers

    On my weekend (everyone else’s Monday) I squeezed in a trip over to Cox Arboretum, where there is a special garden. Woodland wildflowers tend to be difficult to cultivate, but they have succeeded, and filled out the garden with crowd-favorite domestics. It was an enchanting place to walk through and photograph, and introducing the Jr…

  • Traveling

    We’re headed to Kentucky to see family today. I’ll be home later with beautiful pictures and warm memories. Also, lots of plotting for the book, as that is getting slowly started. I will try to put up another post later, but it might not happen. I tend to be tired after a six hour drive…

  • Kindle Unlimited

    I muse at length on the new Amazon offering over at Mad Genius Club. I’m reminded of the old admonishment, be careful what you wish for. You might get it. The Genie in Scheherazade’s tales of Arabian Nights was a most literal being. So are computers, come to think of it. Unless you define your…

  • Walking in the Woods

    Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia) is one of the first berries to ripen, in mid June, because it is one of the first to bloom. Distantly related to apples and roses, the Serviceberry trees look like puffy white clouds as you drive down the road in early May. I have several here on the Farm, and I…