Tag: work

  • Finding Limits

    Finding Limits

      Huh, funny how that phrase gives me flashbacks to calculus class. And in some ways what I’m thinking about today is similar to that level of math. As you approach zero, without quite ever reaching zero… That’s where the limits are. When you can’t go any lower without your heart stopping, that’s where the…

  • The Future of Work

    The Future of Work

      As I’ve been transitioning from one job to another, I’ve gotten into some conversations about work, and career, and planning for the future. Usually they run along the lines of ‘so why did you switch jobs?’ but they have also plunged deeper into discussions along the line of ‘you were your own boss a…

  • Short Rambles

    Short Rambles

    I would like to have a day off in April. If all goes to plan, Sunday is that day. It’s been a long, long month and we still have a third of it to go. Not that it’s been uneventful! We signed on the house Wednesday. I’m devoting my art sales money for the rest…

  • Live Free or Die

    Live Free or Die

    That’s what my shirt says today, anyway. I’m wearing one of my old tees that I picked up in N’Ampsha with the state motto on it. And an eagle that is more cute than fierce, although I don’t think that was the intention of the designer. I was thinking about the motto on my way…

  • Refueling


    I stopped and put gas in my vehicle’s tank this morning. As I stood there watching the numbers tick upward, I was thinking about many things – cosmetic defects on my beloved beater car, learning new skills, and the need for my mind and body to take time to refuel, and not just with the…

  • Cultivating Patience

    Cultivating Patience

    I don’t do bored very well. Or patient, for that matter. I can do both of them, although I get a bit twitchy, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. I joked the other day about being an adult meant that I could indulge in something small from time to time, but it…

  • Reap What you Sow

    Reap What you Sow

    I’ve gotten in the habit of teasing my daughters, recently, when we’re talking and I’m reverting to things I learned from the Bible, that I’m going all Biblical on them. So here I am, doing it on the blog. I was musing on this aphorism the other day, and how we usually see it applied…

  • Transitions are Hard

    Transitions are Hard

    “Tis a fine spring morning here in Ohio, and I’m in yet another life change. I’ve known this was coming for a while – a little over four years in school seems like a long time, but in the grand scheme of things it’s really not. For some reason, I thought that as an older…

  • Water is wet, the Sky is Blue, I’m Busy…

    Water is wet, the Sky is Blue, I’m Busy…

    I should probably have tried to make that rhyme, but instead I’ll leave you with some photos. I have to run the girls to school, and then make my boy his breakfast and pack his lunch and… and later today I have a quiz over the last 40+ trees we identified recently. Her quizzes are…

  • In the Briars

    In the Briars

    I made a comment on facebook the other day about how much fieldwork I have in classes this semester, and a week ago tomorrow I took a long ramble in the woods armed with camera and neck-knife, collecting specimens… and it was homework! One of my friends commented, laughing “don’t throw me into that br’er…

  • One More Day

    One More Day

    I’m still here, I’m just up to my elbows in study materials. Since I’m fairly sure that’s only interesting to me and a handful of other people in my class (none of whom read my blog) I’ve refrained from muttering about it too much. Tomorrow evening I have the last of the exams and after…

  • Distress, Disruption, and the Artist

    Distress, Disruption, and the Artist

    Pat Patterson asked this question elsewhere, and it got me thinking. “Authors and other artists: When things are really going poorly for you, how does that show up in your work? What about when things are going well?” My immediate answer to this was ‘when I’m sick, I can’t work’ which is entirely true, but…