The Geeky Kids ride again!
I’ve returned from the long trip with stories, adventures, and three of my children. I’m exhausted. It’s so exciting to have them here, and I will reprise last year’s special summer blogs where we do geeky stuff and I write about it for other families with geeky kids to get ideas from. In the mean time, on this first day, the Otaku Princess had to get a library card, and I discovered to my amusement that the Jr Mad Scientist had already maxed her card out (they are allowed 15 titles) which is why they needed me to take them back to the library this afternoon and vouch for the geeky kids’ reliability with checking materials out.
So what are geeky teens reading this summer? Well, the three of them all raided the manga section of the library heavily, for DC Comics graphic novels, Black Butler, and the Justice League (this is part of DC I think…). I’ll see if I can coax reviews out of them, but at the rate they are reading I don’t think I can keep up.
The Little Man has been so excited he has been trying to do All The Things and to do them All Now. I’ve been trying to keep up, redirect, and point out that you can’t ask me to set up computers, then stop me half through to find the charger for the RPi2, and then…
We were going to try Pokemon Go together, but I don’t know if it will go on my phone. We’ve deleted a lot of apps, we’ll give it a go. After a nap, and dinner, I think!
I have so much I could write, but I’m not going to now. This is just a post to say we’re alive, it’s Summer Vacation, and we’ll be back.
8 responses to “They’re Back!”
Have they seen Justice League War?
It’s on Netflix.
It’s an animated new origin of the Justice League (which is DC).
I will check with them – I know they got a Justice League animated movie out at the library. Might be that one.
The Marine son calls Pokemon Go orienteering practice. Guess I am an old codger, just set in my my ways…
Anyway, welcome back to your home, all of you safe and sound. Tell your kids I envy them – I was lucky to get to go to the State right next door when I was their age.
Well, we’ve learned that Pokemon won’t work on my phone – I don’t have the latest and greatest. So I’ll put Ingress on, and we’ll do that instead.
They are settling in and making plans about what they want to do – I won’t let them hole up and read ALL summer!
Been learning more about it from him. Watching a Marine get all excited about catching the flaming horse, don’t remember the name right now, is kind of interesting. Or his getting hopping mad just a few minutes ago when one apparently wandered through our own back yard, and he was out of Pokeyballs (spelling?)
It apparently does get some kids that need it up and active, though – apparently good things happen when you are moving around. (Since he has to do his five mile run every day to keep in shape between drill weekends, he has a large collection, or so he tells me.)
Young people that want to read? Awesome.
I am unsuccessfully trying to figure out what is being made from the carrots, olives, and tomatoes.
And the carrots are being put through the one kitchen tool that I have an unreasonable phobia about using. The finger shortener.
Not an unreasonable phobia at all. I think I’ve cut myself twice with knives, and I don’t even use the “proper” hold on the food (the knuckle thing).
The standing grater, though, has put me through more bandages… Although I am getting better with it, after being forced to use it when the food processor went belly up last year.
It was a make-your-own salad bar. The child managed not to produce blood, but the carrot bits were flying since she was attacking her task.