Here’s the snippet round-up for Trickster Noir
The second in the “Pixie for Hire” series, following the events of Pixie Noir, Trickster is split between Lom’s point of view as he slowly recovers from the mental and physical injuries he suffered from at the close of PN, and Bella’s, as she adjusts to her new life.
Planned release date is, at the moment, May 1, and that may change. Hopefully to slightly earlier, but there is a lot of editing to be done, and a cover to finalize, and… Release date for the e-version of Trickster Noir is indeed May 1, 2014. Print will follow in mid-May according to what I’m seeing of scheduling.
If you would like to review Trickster Noir on your blog or other public venue, and you have previously read and enjoyed Pixie Noir, contact me for an e-ARC. Please understand that the manuscript is going through final edits now, so there may be are typos. Thanks! I want to get this book a little nudge out the door, since Pixie went so well (and is still going, thanks to you my wonderful readers.)
You can contact me at cedarlila at gmail dot com.
So I will be posting snippets weekly, and you will be able to find all the links here. Enjoy! Let me know what you think!
Trickster Noir Snippet 1
Snippet 2
Snippet 3
Snippet 4
Snippet 14 (April 27)
May 1, Release Date!