I’m sure there are startling experiences in books, in having them and loving them? Maybe not so much. Neither is the inspiration for the title, though. No, this is named for the book I’m highlighting in this post. One in my collection, which I will admit readily I have not yet read, it caught the eye of a commentor in a background over on today’s Mad Genius Club. I answered him while I was not at home, looking at the book, and I got it completely wrong. So! Here is what the book is really about.
Startling Experiences!

Sometimes you just have to bring a book home with you, even knowing you might never read it. This was one of those. I mean to read it. It’s just not something I’ve needed for research just yet.

I’m pretty sure this was written in 1900, and bought in 1901, although there is no date on the frontmatter page.

So what does history look like through the lens of more than a century’s passage of time?

The pages have stood the test of time remarkably well, although there is some minor water damage to the binding, along with general wear.

This is a beautiful book, really. Remarkable stories, but I could spend time just looking at the photos and art, wondering how these places have changed.

I think this is close to where the photo was taken… courtesy of google maps.

When the book reached Ohio in 1901, no one dreamed of doing what I just did, reaching across the globe instantaneously for a photo of a place.

Updated to add that you can read it for yourself! The scanned image of the book is available online.