
I’m not terribly good at birds. 

Today I went on a birdwalk with other naturalists, and it was a lot of fun (plus being good exercise) because I was learning things the whole time. One of the things I already knew: I’m pants at identifying birds, especially when I can’t see them. Birdsong remains a pretty mystery. 

The Great Blue Heron is a magnificent specimen of a bird.
The Brown-Headed Cowbird, conditions were absolutely terrible for photography.
I saw a Painted Bunting for the first time, they are stunning in person. Hopefully soon I’ll manage a better photo.
Cobra chicks!
White-winged doves
Pudgy little fluffball.
A flight of Ibis
A raft of pelicans
Not a bird! A Red Admiral butterfly
Spotted Sandpiper


3 responses to “Observations”

  1. Paul (Drak Bibliophile) Howard Avatar
    Paul (Drak Bibliophile) Howard

    Several years ago, I read Boy’s Life Magazine (associated with US Boy Scouts) and a cartoon in it.

    It showed a bunch of Boy Scouts flipping through their bird-watching books.

    In a tree in front of them was a strange looking bird that was commenting to another bird about the boys always being confused when they (the boys) show up.

    Of course, the “joke” was that the strange-looking bird was apparently a bird not native to North America. 😀

  2. Jolie Avatar

    Just think of them as extremely large bugs. (grin)

    1. And there are fewer birds to learn than bugs!