Tag: bias
A guest post by Doug Irvin, whose story reminds me much of my First Reader’s tales. Let’s talk about – – – Privilege. It’s hard to get into a decent debate these days without someone playing the Privilege card. “You don’t understand the struggles, because you were raised to be privileged.” “You’re so privileged…
Food Anthropology: From the Beginning
I’ve been toying with this article for a while, and decided the only way to do it justice was to write a series of articles, rather than trying to cram it all into one place. It started, as so many of my ideas do, in a conversation between the First Reader and I. We were…
Question Especially Yourself
Human nature is not built for scientific research. We have innate curiosity, no doubt about it, and we have pattern-recognition and narrative-forming abilities (and how). But what doesn’t come naturally is organized suspicion of our own convictions. That has to be learned, and relearned. In this line of work, the tuition can get expensive. —Derek…