Tag: English Language

  • The Evolution of Language

    The Evolution of Language

    My sister’s comment about my desk being an island in a sea of books is both not wrong, and got me thinking about why I own so many books. Firstly, as I have discussed elsewhere, they are a bit of a security blanket. The First Reader refers to the home library as my dragon’s hoard.…

  • Trouble is my Business [Repost]

    Trouble is my Business [Repost]

    I’m continuing to dig through the archives that failed to ‘port over to this host. This post was originally published Dec. 18, 2014. I will always love the English language, and lines like these are a small sample of why…  I’ve been reading a collection of stories by Raymond Chandler the last few days, when…

  • Connotation


    “an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.” When we use words, there is all kinds of baggage that goes along with each of our selections. Like a kid walking in the door and throwing their backpack on the couch, we might not always welcome that luggage,…