Tag: paranormal police procedural

  • Possum Creek Massacre: Available Now!

    Possum Creek Massacre: Available Now!

    It’s alive!  Muahahaha!  Ahem. Sorry, I let the inner Mad Scientist out a little far, there. I’m just so excited over this book. I put a lot of time and effort into it, and it’s finally out there in the cold, hard, cruel world. Who will hopefully find it as creepily cute as I do. …

  • Possum Creek Massacre: Snippet 2

    Possum Creek Massacre: Snippet 2

    It’s been a while. I did mention I hate editing? Well, I also hate rewriting, and this story needed some at the end before it was ready for primetime. I’m not sure I’ll have it ready in time for LibertyCon, but I’m working on that goal.  You can find the first part of the snippets…

  • Cover Reveal!

    Cover Reveal!

    I’ve been putting off the revisions long enough. It’s time to delve into my least favorite part of writing – taking apart my baby and putting it back together stronger, faster, better.  But while I’m working through that fraught task, I wanted to share the cover for Possum Creek Massacre with you all, so you…

  • Cover Reveal!

    Cover Reveal!

    I plan to publish this one during the first week of August, but this is what the cover will likely look like. Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments, I always appreciate feedback. Detective Amaya Lombard is a witch hunter and a damn good one. Hated by the magical because she works with…

  • Review: Nocturnal Origins

    I read Amanda S. Green’s Nocturnal Origins quite a while ago. And then Nocturnal Haunts, the novella bridge, and Nocturnal Serenade, the sequel novel. Why am I doing a long form review now? Well, because after much impatient waiting, Nocturnal Interlude is coming out! The third book in the series will be available for purchase…