Tag: short fiction

  • Odd Prompts: Long Commute

    Odd Prompts: Long Commute

    “Have you been on station before?”  Laney stopped, her hands in midair as she’d been reaching for the stack of tiles. “No?”  If it had been anyone but her boss, she’d probably have snapped at them and sent them away. She had a tight time frame and everything about this project had to be perfect.…

  • Odd Prompts: Tie it in a Bow

    Odd Prompts: Tie it in a Bow

    Composing this one straight into the blog editor. It’s going to be short – I’ve done something to my shoulder.  **** The long gray double ribbon of highway stretched out before her eyes, over the gleaming hood of the car. Dancing mirrored mirages were the only thing that broke it’s smooth sweep across the arid…

  • Odd Prompts: Zombie Nature

    Odd Prompts: Zombie Nature

    The characters will be familiar to those of you who have read Lab Gremlins.  *** “Hard hat, safety toes, and lab goggles,” Steven muttered to himself. “That’s all I ever wanted in a job.”   “Huh?” Bob twisted around and looked at him. At least the big cephalapoid kept his weapon pointed away from his…

  • Tales Around the Supper Table

    Tales Around the Supper Table

    I have a story in this anthology! I was honored to be invited to join, it’s a group of phenomenal Texas-based authors. The stories run the gamut, as they would if you were sitting ’round the supper table talking and telling tales. My story in it is a conscious loving homage to H. Rider Haggard,…