I’m celebrating the day by calling my mom, and my Dorothy-Mom (not a mother-in-law, but something nicer) and my own children. I’m part of a long line of mothers, stretching back into the mists of time. We all know that certain universals are true.
You will, at some point, say “I hope you have a child just like you!”
You will hear your own mother’s words coming out when you open your mouth.
It’s a good thing they are so stinkin’ adorable, or they’d never survive.
If you have more than one, you will call for a child by using all their sibling’s names, and possibly pets, before you get to theirs.
You will learn to smile and feel your heart melt when you are handed a wet frog/muddy feather/handprint card, or whatever else your child has chosen to gift you with on this day.