Tag: amazon

  • The Fading Stigmata of Self-Publishing

    The Fading Stigmata of Self-Publishing

    This post was originally written in 2015. How far we have come, and how much is still the same. Gerry Martin pointed this article by Liz Long out to me, thanks, Gerry. The publishing system isn’t broken by any means, but the stigma behind “traditional” and “indie” publishing has really gotten my goat lately. I’m…

  • Review: Prime Pantry

    Review: Prime Pantry

    It’s been a deliciously lazy Sunday morning here. While I have a gig this afternoon, I finished my math homework last night, and my Physics homework earlier in the week, so I have no due-dates for Monday looming and I could seize the opportunity to spend time with my husband chatting and sipping coffee. We…

  • Hugo Nomination Time

    Brad Torgerson has created an excellent list over at his blog, the Sad Puppies slate. As I said last year, this is a great guideline, but nominate the works you think best. Not most likely to win, BEST. Once, the Hugo was an award that meant something, and now, it’s handed out as a party…

  • Barely Legitimate

    Commentary on a certain author’s claims about Amazon damaging his sales… “Lets look at this for a minute – Amazon, a retailer, is discouraging sales. Being of some small journalistic training, I went to Amazon, and found Douglas Preston. Wait, if Amazon is discouraging sales, wouldn’t they not have any material for him on their…

  • Kindle Unlimited

    I muse at length on the new Amazon offering over at Mad Genius Club. I’m reminded of the old admonishment, be careful what you wish for. You might get it. The Genie in Scheherazade’s tales of Arabian Nights was a most literal being. So are computers, come to think of it. Unless you define your…

  • Writing Roundup

    All right, I’m sitting here with a brain full of recipes and a novella to complete. You probably had enough of the recipes yesterday, and anyway, these I haven’t made yet. So I’m running around the blogosphere collecting quotes and articles I recommend to you as authors/inde publishers/ what-have-you. See you tomorrow! Dean Wesley Smith…

  • Amazon and Pricing

    Good Morning! Yes, I’m going there again. Frankly, I didn’t want to, hadn’t planned to, and really, why am I? Well, because I spent a significant chunk of time last night explaining to two different people the realities of Amazon, and rather than have to repeat myself in the coming days, I’m doing this now.…

  • Formatting for Ebook Publication

    Formatting for Ebook Publication

    I keep getting asked about this, and I think I answered it before, but then again, the requirements keep changing, so I’ll go over it again. Honestly, it’s getting much easier, and I fully anticipate that in a couple of years, it will be mush more plug-and-play than it is even now. Gone are the…

  • Perspective on Amazon

    Perspective on Amazon

    With this being the cause du jour for many, the only link I’m seeing with any regularity is an opinion piece from NYTimes. First, most of the links you will see about this are going to be opinion pieces. Mine, over at Mad Genius Club today, is mostly pointing out the underlying psychology of business/publisher/author…

  • Review: Fallen Race

    First of all, I know some of you know this trick, but I’ll tell it for the rest of you. Before you buy a book on Amazon, you can take a “look inside” they call it, which is a free preview which allows you to read the first part of the book and see if…

  • I am Indie

    I am Indie

    Hugh Howey, an author, businessman, and major advocate for independent publishing, published not a work of fiction, but a very important survey yesterday. You can find it here, and although lengthy, if you are looking into becoming published, it is well worth the read. The graphics, if nothing else, tell the story vividly. Indie authors…

  • Sugar Skull for Sale

    Sugar Skull for Sale

    The short story is available on Amazon and Smashwords, in an unprecedented display of coordination by Stonycroft Publishing, on the same day! Will wonders never cease… It’s only a dollar, you can’t even get a cup of coffee for that little any more, and this is a story for a dark night and to never…