Millennicon Appearance

To my surprise, I received an email last night with my panel schedule for Millennicon. I was surprised as I hadn’t heard back from my inquiry but also happy that I was going to get to go play and talk at a local convention. 

Millennicon 28 is at the Holiday Inn I-275, Cincinatti, March 14-16 2014

So if you will be at the convention, this is my tenative schedule: 

Friday              10 PM              Taft                  Fantasy Vs. Dark Fantasy Vs. Horror

Saturday          4 PM                Reagan           Broad Universe: Rapid Fire Reading

Sunday            10 AM              McKinley          Fan Fiction and “Real” Writing

I will also be doing a signing between 11 AM and Noon in the hotel lobby on Sunday. Due to my schedule, I will be in and out on Friday and Saturday, but will be around Friday Evening and Saturday earlier in the day (I have an event in Dayton fivish, so will be leaving the con in the afternoon. Yes, it conflicts with the panel scheduled – we are working on that). 

This should be fun! I have a bunch of copies of Pixie Noir on hand, am rather low on Vulcan’s Kittens, but have a handful. Hope to see you there!