FenCon Schedule

So! I will be at a lovely convention this coming weekend. You would have had more notice, but it’s been that kind of year. However, if you are already planning on being there, you might want to catch me on a panel. Or you can find the Little Man in the dealer room selling books for me, Peter Grant, JL Curtis, Dorothy Grant, Julie Frost, and (possibly) Lawdog. He’s also got swag for me to sign for the ebook reader types, and I may bring some original art for sale. 

I don’t have anything scheduled on Friday, but we will be there in the latter part of the day to set up, and hang out if anyone else is there. 

FenCon 2021


10-10:30 am – Signing in the Grand Atrium

11- Noon – Nurturing Your Writing Habit in Grand 4B

Noon-1:00 pm The New Generation of Vaccines in Grand 4A

1:00-2:00 pm Your World Needs Fungi and Flies in Grand 1C (I’m moderating this one)

5:00-6:00 pm Buy Me! in Grand 4C (I’m moderating this one)


12:30-1:00 pm Reading in Estates

2:00-3:00 pm Artistic License to Kill in Grand 4A 

3:00-4:00 pm The Pixar Factor in Grand 4A