One of the big drawbacks in having moved the blog to the new hosting is that I orphaned some 450 email followers. However, if you want to get the blog delivered to your email every day (when I post, anyway!) then that’s pretty easy to set back up. If you look below the text of this post you’ll notice there are two options. One is to fill in like you are signing up to comment (if you do comment and it doesn’t appear right away, that’s because I have it set to manually approve the first comment anyone makes on the blog. Keeps the spammers at bay) and then click the button that says ‘get blog posts by email.”
The other option is to scroll down a little further and subscribe to blog via email. Two things: one, I haven’t got any inclination to collect anyone’s info and sell it. I’m too lazy, and I hate that sort of things myself, so I wouldn’t do it to you. Second, I don’t even have access to the ‘follows blog’ list, which is why I was unable to let all the people know what was going on after the blog was moved in the first place.
Now, you may be wondering why you should do this. You don’t have to. I’m not going to make you, nor would I ask you if you subscribe to my blog if we ever meet in person. But for me, I like getting my blogs in the email, because on a busy day I can read them without the slow process of loading them on a mobile browser for either my phone or tablet. Email posts are nice that way, and I have several blogs I get in the morning and read throughout the day. If you’re really curious (or just asking for a friend) it doesn’t show up in my stats when someone reads via email without visiting the site. But I’m not terribly concerned about my site hits, I’m not trying to sell advertising here.
And before I go, a question. Currently the loose week’s schedule is as follows:
- Monday – Writing or Publishing material
- Tuesday – Art, either article or visual
- Wednesday – Curmudgeon’s Corner or Cedar Musing
- Thursday – Snippets or work in progress, and Cedar’s Otherwhere Gazette post
- Friday – Book reviews
- Saturday – I’m at Mad Genius Club, and a link round-up
- Sunday – Food, recipe, restaurant review, or something else. I’m currently running a long series of “Eat This While you Read That’ linking authors and their books with favorite recipes they have given me. This combines my three passions of reading, cooking, and photography.
If you’re a regular reader, is there anything you’d like to see changed up on that schedule? Added, taken away? I write this blog for you, my readers, and I want to keep you happy and coming back.
11 responses to “Getting it Easy”
Schedule looks good to me. I consider myself a regular reader, and I have always liked the variety you put up. As one who tries to write daily on my own personal blog, I know a bit of what it can be like to try and come up with something fresh every day. Having a schedule can be helpful to some readers in knowing what to expect. For me it won’t really change my checking on the blog each day, though some I skim a bit more and others I read very deeply. Just don’t be afraid to interrupt the schedule or shake it up a bit after awhile. Your instinct on that has always seemed timely to me.
(P.S. — looking forward to the release of the full, final, Dragon noir.)
Glad to hear you like the variety, it’s something I was thinking about when I created the schedule. This was never supposed to be only about promoting my work. And yes, I have days where I’m just bursting to say something, and the schedule be hanged!
Dragon Noir will be released March 28th, unless there’s a hiccup with the editing.
Hi Cedar, shortly after you shifted things around, I tried to get your posts by email. It’s how I get ATC and MGC and is very nice and convenient. I did not start getting the daily email. I am checking both boxes below again, and will let you know if it still doesn’t work.
As for the schedule–I like it and will echo Jonathan on saying don’t be afraid to shake things up.
Ok, I found the box at the very bottom to put my email in. I will do it if method A doesn’t work.
If it still doesn’t work, let me know. I added Jetpack, which gives me some of the features of the old blog, including that follow form that’s all the way in the footer.
I just reviewed ‘Trickster Noir’ (5 stars) on Amazon, and posted it, plus my November review of ‘Pixie Noir’ on my blog.
I still don’t think it fair that you made a redneck read a book about pixies and like it. However, I ain’t NEVER gonna forget you also made me read ‘Farmhand,’ and it will forever be an allegory of the space race, along with any future installments.
I do have my self-respect to maintain, you know.
but Pat, he’s a redneck Pixie 🙂 And Bella and her family are my homage to my family of Alaskan rednecks. I love them very much, and imprinted on them early. As for Farmhand, remember I grew up reading Louis L’Amour, if that helps – Farmhand is very much inspired by him.
Well, now the RSS feed is full-text, the lack of which is the whole reason I didn’t subscribe to the blog in its old location, so there are compensating advantages too. 🙂
Oh, yay! I like that the self-hosted site has the ability to use plug-ins and allows me to do some advertising (the Amazon links I am now using let me in on the action a tiny bit. Not planning to sell ads on my site!). Good to know it does have upsides for my readers.
Interestingly, this still shows up in my WordPress watched blogs page. So that kind of following still works. Although I don’t see the little button for it.
I think that’s because I’m using Jetpack. And it’s good to know, that should mean my previous followers can still find me.
OTOH, I don’t think my comments appear in the Dashboard, and I don’t get notified of replies.