Tag: Sick Lit
I’m Lucky
My earlier posts on questionable books for young people didn’t get me the kind of abuse this woman has received. Go read her article – it’s good, and obviously she can use some support. Here’s a quote from Megan Fox: “Page 38 of David Zimmerman’s Caring is Creepy (a book that won the 2012 American Library Association…
How to Write Realist YA: Part 2
Once again, I am joined by my unnamed guest blogger in the final part of his insightful article on the problems besetting young adult fiction. I deeply appreciate all the effort he has put into writing this, and no, really, this isn’t me. I’d be bragging if it was! You can find the first part…
How to Write Realist YA: Part 1
I am joined today by a guest blogger, a friend who was good enough to allow me to publish some of his musings on Young Adult Lit, and what the deep problems are in the genre, and why. He has asked me to withhold his name as he is concerned, perhaps rightly, about backlash from his views…